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General MRU questions

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General MRU questions

Unread postby malwarerpino » March 23rd, 2019, 3:00 pm


I have a few questions regarding your training at MRU, or any malware training course in general, as I see there are quite a few forums that offer free training, so here they are:

what is a good but reasonable number of hours someone should commit to per week? I have a full-time job, and the weekend is the best time to dedicate to training, but maybe it is not enough. I am sure it depends also on everyone's starting point, but maybe you have an average answer based on your teaching experience.

I have a reasonable understanding of Windows, but I am no expert; I can offer my support to friends or family members when it comes to PC problems, but I am nowhere near the knowledge you have, and lack the more advanced skills, by far. I was impressed when I read the wide variety of backgrounds and occupations of those who went through training and eventually became malware fighters, and I am not myself involved in any way in the IT business, so my background is limited to what I learned by doing and self teaching, which is limited.

English is not my first language, and maybe my language skills are not enough to interact with a malware victim in a clear and understandable manner.

Pardon me for all my questions, but I read the information you clearly set out for everyone to know before applying to the MRU, and I can tell this is not an easy task, nor a joke, I can tell you take MRU very seriously, and I think it is the right approach, as I am sure many who apply do not really think hard about it before they apply...I have not applied, yet, as I do not take your course lightly, but a see it as a serious commitment, and I have a lot of consideration for the support and teaching you provide for free. The high turnover of students you mention is likely due to many prospective students not having a clear idea MRU takes a lot of commitment and dedication, and I would rather think it over more than once before sending my application, before I rush only to find out after a few weeks or months that I do not have what it takes to be a skilled malware fighter, someone I would like to eventually become, but being and wanting are two different things.

I hope your answers to my questions will clear some of my many doubts, and thank you in advance for your support and for reaching out to me,

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Re: General MRU questions

Unread postby Gary R » March 24th, 2019, 2:10 am

In answer to your questions ...

Most students will need to devote somewhere near to 20 hours a week to their training in order to get through the course in a reasonable time. Some of that time will be spent completing exercises (researching, formulating replies, and responding to your teacher), and some will be spent reading tutorials. Of course it's hard to give you an exact figure, since each individual student will have different levels of existing knowledge when they come to us, but if you plan for 20, then you won't be too far off.

As far as your English skills go ...... if your post above is indicative of your general fluency in English, then I don't think you should have many problems.
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Re: General MRU questions

Unread postby malwarerpino » March 24th, 2019, 6:12 am

Hello, Gary,

Many thanks for your reply, much appreciated, you cleared some of my doubts,

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Re: General MRU questions

Unread postby Gary R » March 24th, 2019, 10:02 am

You're welcome Enrico. :)
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