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Unread postby shadow7752 » July 17th, 2006, 10:52 pm

As requested......

Thanks in advance for all your help!


Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

"CamMonitor"="c:\\Program Files\\Hewlett-Packard\\Digital Imaging\\\\Unload\\hpqcmon.exe"
"HPHUPD05"="c:\\Program Files\\Hewlett-Packard\\{45B6180B-DCAB-4093-8EE8-6164457517F0}\\hphupd05.exe"
"NvCplDaemon"="RUNDLL32.EXE C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\NvCpl.dll,NvStartup"
"nwiz"="nwiz.exe /installquiet /keeploaded /nodetect"
"Sunkist2k"="C:\\Program Files\\Multimedia Card Reader\\shwicon2k.exe"
"IntelliPoint"="\"C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft IntelliPoint\\point32.exe\""
"QuickFinder Scheduler"="\"c:\\Program Files\\WordPerfect Office 11\\Programs\\QFSCHD110.EXE\""
"tgcmd"="\"C:\\Program Files\\support.com\\bin\\tgcmd.exe\" /server /startmonitor /deaf"
"HPDJ Taskbar Utility"="C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\spool\\drivers\\w32x86\\3\\hpztsb11.exe"
"HPHUPD06"="C:\\Program Files\\Hewlett-Packard\\{AAC4FC36-8F89-4587-8DD3-EBC57C83374D}\\hphupd06.exe"
"HP Component Manager"="\"C:\\Program Files\\HP\\hpcoretech\\hpcmpmgr.exe\""
"AcctMgr"="C:\\Program Files\\Norton Password Manager\\AcctMgr.exe /startup"
"HP Software Update"="C:\\Program Files\\HP\\HP Software Update\\HPWuSchd2.exe"
"TkBellExe"="\"C:\\Program Files\\Common Files\\Real\\Update_OB\\realsched.exe\" -osboot"
"QuickTime Task"="\"C:\\Program Files\\QuickTime\\qttask.exe\" -atboottime"
"mm_server"="\"C:\\Program Files\\MUSICMATCH\\MUSICMATCH Jukebox\\mm_server.exe\""
"iTunesHelper"="\"C:\\Program Files\\iTunes\\iTunesHelper.exe\""
"ADUserMon"="C:\\Program Files\\Iomega\\AutoDisk\\ADUserMon.exe"
"Iomega Drive Icons"="C:\\Program Files\\Iomega\\DriveIcons\\ImgIcon.exe"
"Deskup"="C:\\Program Files\\Iomega\\DriveIcons\\deskup.exe /IMGSTART"
"ccApp"="\"C:\\Program Files\\Common Files\\Symantec Shared\\ccApp.exe\""





Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

"BackupNotify"="C:\\Program Files\\Hewlett-Packard\\Digital Imaging\\bin\\backupnotify.exe"
"NVIEW"="rundll32.exe nview.dll,nViewLoadHook"
"MsnMsgr"="\"C:\\Program Files\\MSN Messenger\\MsnMsgr.Exe\" /background"
"Yahoo! Pager"=" -quiet"
"updateMgr"="\"C:\\Program Files\\Adobe\\Acrobat 7.0\\Reader\\AdobeUpdateManager.exe\" AcRdB7_0_7 -reboot 1"
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Unread postby 'KotaGuy » July 18th, 2006, 7:21 pm

Hi shadow!

tim will be away for about a week... so I will be taking this topic over. I was helping him with your log anyways :)

Try this for me...

Copy/paste the following bold text into a new notepad document.


"Yahoo! Pager"=-

Save it to your Desktop as fixme.reg. Save it as File Type All Files. Double click fixme.reg and answer yes when asked to merge it into the registry.

Reboot and let me know if that solved the problem.
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Unread postby Nick-YF19 » July 26th, 2006, 9:54 pm

While we appreciate that you may be busy, it has been 10 days or more since we heard from you.

Infections can change and fresh instructions will now need to be given. This topic is now closed, if you still require assistance then please start a new topic in the Malware Removal Forum

If you wish this topic reopened, please send us an email to 'admin at malwareremoval.com' with a link to your thread.

You can help support this site from this link :
Donations For Malware Removal

Do not bother contacting us if you are not the topic starter. A valid,
working link to the closed topic is required along with the user name used.
If the user name does not match the one in the thread linked, the email will be deleted.
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