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pls help!!!!!! some 5 hidden objects r found in my system...

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pls help!!!!!! some 5 hidden objects r found in my system...

Unread postby mamta kumari » March 7th, 2012, 4:50 pm

i want to get rid og this prob.....pls help!!!with antivirus they r not going..!!!!

Avira Antivirus Premium 2012
Report file date: Thursday, March 08, 2012 00:42

Scanning for 3386769 virus strains and unwanted programs.

The program is running as a fully functional evaluation version.
Online services are available:

Licensee : Mamta Kumari
Serial number : 2219589806-PEPWE-0000001
Platform : Windows 7
Windows version : (plain) [6.1.7600]
Boot mode : Normally booted
Username : SYSTEM
Computer name : MONET-PC

Version information:
BUILD.DAT : 42512 Bytes 10/12/2011 17:08:00
AVSCAN.EXE : 490448 Bytes 10/11/2011 09:36:19
AVSCAN.DLL : 54224 Bytes 9/23/2011 08:04:57
LUKE.DLL : 68304 Bytes 10/11/2011 09:36:29
AVSCPLR.DLL : 99536 Bytes 10/11/2011 09:36:19
AVREG.DLL : 227024 Bytes 10/11/2011 09:36:19
VBASE000.VDF : 19875328 Bytes 11/6/2009 13:48:34
VBASE001.VDF : 13342208 Bytes 12/14/2010 19:03:08
VBASE002.VDF : 1950720 Bytes 2/9/2011 11:38:51
VBASE003.VDF : 1980416 Bytes 4/7/2011 06:30:55
VBASE004.VDF : 2354176 Bytes 5/31/2011 06:48:22
VBASE005.VDF : 1788416 Bytes 7/7/2011 08:42:53
VBASE006.VDF : 6411776 Bytes 8/16/2011 03:56:09
VBASE007.VDF : 2389504 Bytes 10/5/2011 09:36:34
VBASE008.VDF : 2048 Bytes 10/5/2011 09:36:34
VBASE009.VDF : 2048 Bytes 10/5/2011 09:36:34
VBASE010.VDF : 2048 Bytes 10/5/2011 09:36:34
VBASE011.VDF : 2048 Bytes 10/5/2011 09:36:34
VBASE012.VDF : 2048 Bytes 10/5/2011 09:36:34
VBASE013.VDF : 161792 Bytes 10/7/2011 09:36:34
VBASE014.VDF : 130048 Bytes 10/10/2011 09:36:34
VBASE015.VDF : 113664 Bytes 10/11/2011 10:05:57
VBASE016.VDF : 2048 Bytes 10/11/2011 10:05:57
VBASE017.VDF : 2048 Bytes 10/11/2011 10:05:57
VBASE018.VDF : 2048 Bytes 10/11/2011 10:05:57
VBASE019.VDF : 2048 Bytes 10/11/2011 10:05:57
VBASE020.VDF : 2048 Bytes 10/11/2011 10:05:57
VBASE021.VDF : 2048 Bytes 10/11/2011 10:05:57
VBASE022.VDF : 2048 Bytes 10/11/2011 10:05:57
VBASE023.VDF : 2048 Bytes 10/11/2011 10:05:57
VBASE024.VDF : 2048 Bytes 10/11/2011 10:05:57
VBASE025.VDF : 2048 Bytes 10/11/2011 10:05:57
VBASE026.VDF : 2048 Bytes 10/11/2011 10:05:57
VBASE027.VDF : 2048 Bytes 10/11/2011 10:05:57
VBASE028.VDF : 2048 Bytes 10/11/2011 10:05:57
VBASE029.VDF : 2048 Bytes 10/11/2011 10:05:57
VBASE030.VDF : 2048 Bytes 10/11/2011 10:05:57
VBASE031.VDF : 52224 Bytes 10/12/2011 09:42:56
Engineversion :
AEVDF.DLL : 106868 Bytes 9/1/2011 18:16:02
AESCRIPT.DLL : 467322 Bytes 10/11/2011 09:36:16
AESCN.DLL : 127349 Bytes 9/1/2011 18:16:02
AESBX.DLL : 323957 Bytes 9/1/2011 18:16:02
AERDL.DLL : 639348 Bytes 12/14/2011 19:02:23
AEPACK.DLL : 684408 Bytes 9/22/2011 10:48:45
AEOFFICE.DLL : 201083 Bytes 9/15/2011 19:47:25
AEHEUR.DLL : 3748217 Bytes 10/12/2011 08:11:59
AEHELP.DLL : 254327 Bytes 9/1/2011 18:16:01
AEGEN.DLL : 401780 Bytes 9/1/2011 18:16:01
AEEMU.DLL : 393589 Bytes 12/14/2011 19:02:19
AECORE.DLL : 196983 Bytes 9/1/2011 18:16:01
AEBB.DLL : 53618 Bytes 12/14/2011 19:02:19
AVWINLL.DLL : 27344 Bytes 10/11/2011 09:36:22
AVPREF.DLL : 51920 Bytes 10/11/2011 09:36:18
AVREP.DLL : 179920 Bytes 10/11/2011 09:36:19
AVARKT.DLL : 223184 Bytes 10/11/2011 09:36:16
AVEVTLOG.DLL : 169168 Bytes 10/11/2011 09:36:17
SQLITE3.DLL : 398288 Bytes 10/11/2011 09:36:32
AVSMTP.DLL : 63440 Bytes 10/11/2011 09:36:20
NETNT.DLL : 17104 Bytes 10/11/2011 09:36:30
RCIMAGE.DLL : 4493520 Bytes 10/11/2011 09:36:38
RCTEXT.DLL : 96208 Bytes 9/23/2011 08:07:28

Configuration settings for the scan:
Jobname.............................: Complete system scan
Configuration file..................: C:\program files\avira\antivir desktop\sysscan.avp
Logging.............................: default
Primary action......................: interactive
Secondary action....................: ignore
Scan master boot sector.............: on
Scan boot sector....................: on
Boot sectors........................: C:, D:,
Process scan........................: on
Extended process scan...............: on
Scan registry.......................: on
Search for rootkits.................: on
Integrity checking of system files..: on
Scan all files......................: All files
Scan archives.......................: on
Recursion depth.....................: 20
Smart extensions....................: on
Macro heuristic.....................: on
File heuristic......................: extended
Deviating risk categories...........: +APPL,+GAME,+JOKE,+PCK,+PFS,+SPR,

Start of the scan: Thursday, March 08, 2012 00:42

Starting master boot sector scan:
Master boot sector HD0
[INFO] No virus was found!
Master boot sector HD1
[INFO] No virus was found!
Master boot sector HD2
[INFO] No virus was found!
Master boot sector HD3
[INFO] No virus was found!

Start scanning boot sectors:
Boot sector 'C:\'
[INFO] No virus was found!
Boot sector 'D:\'
[INFO] No virus was found!

Starting search for hidden objects.
[NOTE] The registry entry is invisible.
[NOTE] The registry entry is invisible.
[NOTE] The registry entry is invisible.
[NOTE] The registry entry is invisible.
Hidden driver
[NOTE] A memory modification has been detected, which could potentially be used to hide file access attempts.

The scan of running processes will be started
Scan process 'SearchFilterHost.exe' - '26' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'SearchProtocolHost.exe' - '29' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'svchost.exe' - '34' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'vssvc.exe' - '47' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'avscan.exe' - '79' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'updrgui.exe' - '34' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'update.exe' - '61' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'Tata Photon+.exe' - '145' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'avcenter.exe' - '83' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'wuauclt.exe' - '37' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'wmpnetwk.exe' - '64' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'svchost.exe' - '55' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'ymsgr_tray.exe' - '35' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'taskeng.exe' - '28' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'WUDFHost.exe' - '36' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'svchost.exe' - '33' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'SearchIndexer.exe' - '56' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'AVWEBGRD.EXE' - '40' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'avmailc.exe' - '32' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'conhost.exe' - '14' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'avshadow.exe' - '31' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'GoogleCrashHandler.exe' - '19' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'sidebar.exe' - '65' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'avgnt.exe' - '79' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'Aide.exe' - '25' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'CNSLMAIN.EXE' - '43' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'BJMYPRT.EXE' - '24' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'igfxsrvc.exe' - '29' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'Updater.exe' - '35' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'VMonitor.exe' - '44' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'GrooveMonitor.exe' - '46' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'igfxpers.exe' - '32' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'hkcmd.exe' - '28' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'igfxtray.exe' - '29' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'flockbox.exe' - '69' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'taskhost.exe' - '50' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'Explorer.EXE' - '184' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'Dwm.exe' - '32' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'wmiprvse.exe' - '52' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'uagqecsvc.exe' - '31' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'svchost.exe' - '32' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'RVGNetworkConfiguration.exe' - '41' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'NMSAccessU.exe' - '16' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'HWDeviceService.exe' - '32' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'svchost.exe' - '50' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'mDNSResponder.exe' - '33' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'avguard.exe' - '99' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'svchost.exe' - '63' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'sched.exe' - '42' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'spoolsv.exe' - '103' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'svchost.exe' - '108' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'svchost.exe' - '72' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'svchost.exe' - '168' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'svchost.exe' - '111' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'svchost.exe' - '71' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'svchost.exe' - '39' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'svchost.exe' - '52' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'lsm.exe' - '16' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'lsass.exe' - '61' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'services.exe' - '36' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'winlogon.exe' - '31' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'csrss.exe' - '16' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'wininit.exe' - '26' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'csrss.exe' - '18' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'smss.exe' - '2' Module(s) have been scanned

Initiating scan of system files:
Signed -> 'C:\Windows\system32\svchost.exe'
Signed -> 'C:\Windows\system32\winlogon.exe'
Signed -> 'C:\Windows\system32\smss.exe'
Signed -> 'C:\Windows\system32\wininet.DLL'
Signed -> 'C:\Windows\system32\wsock32.DLL'
Signed -> 'C:\Windows\system32\ws2_32.DLL'
Signed -> 'C:\Windows\system32\services.exe'
Signed -> 'C:\Windows\system32\lsass.exe'
Signed -> 'C:\Windows\system32\csrss.exe'
Signed -> 'C:\Windows\system32\drivers\kbdclass.sys'
Signed -> 'C:\Windows\system32\spoolsv.exe'
Signed -> 'C:\Windows\system32\alg.exe'
Signed -> 'C:\Windows\system32\wuauclt.exe'
Signed -> 'C:\Windows\system32\advapi32.DLL'
Signed -> 'C:\Windows\system32\user32.DLL'
Signed -> 'C:\Windows\system32\gdi32.DLL'
Signed -> 'C:\Windows\system32\kernel32.DLL'
Signed -> 'C:\Windows\system32\ntdll.DLL'
Signed -> 'C:\Windows\system32\ntoskrnl.exe'
Signed -> 'C:\Windows\system32\ctfmon.exe'
The system files were scanned ('20' files)

Starting to scan executable files (registry).
The registry was scanned ( '2338' files ).

Starting the file scan:

Begin scan in 'C:\'
Begin scan in 'D:\'
Search path D:\ could not be opened!
Unknown error <-2144272361>

End of the scan: Thursday, March 08, 2012 01:56
Used time: 1:13:55 Hour(s)

The scan has been done completely.

17583 Scanned directories
439732 Files were scanned
0 Viruses and/or unwanted programs were found
0 Files were classified as suspicious
0 Files were deleted
0 Viruses and unwanted programs were repaired
0 Files were moved to quarantine
0 Files were renamed
0 Files cannot be scanned
439732 Files not concerned
2336 Archives were scanned
0 Warnings
5 Notes
479394 Objects were scanned with rootkit scan
5 Hidden objects were found
mamta kumari
Active Member
Posts: 2
Joined: March 7th, 2012, 4:44 pm
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Re: pls help!!!!!! some 5 hidden objects r found in my syste

Unread postby pgmigg » March 7th, 2012, 5:00 pm

Hello mamta kumari,

Welcome to the forum! :)

My name is pgmigg and I'll be helping you with any malware problems.

Currently I am working under the guidance of the MRU teachers and everything I post to you, must first be approved by them.
This additional review process can add some extra time to my responses, but I will post back with instructions for you as soon as possible.

Before we begin, please read and follow these important guidelines, so things will proceed smoothly.
  1. The instructions being given are for YOUR computer and system only!
    Using these instructions on a different computer can cause damage to that computer and possibly render it inoperable!
  2. You must have Administrator rights, permissions for this computer.
  3. DO NOT run any other fix or removal tools unless instructed to do so!
  4. DO NOT install any other software (or hardware) during the cleaning process. This adds more items to be researched.
  5. Only post your problem at (1) one help site. Applying fixes from multiple help sites can cause problems.
  6. Print each set of instructions if possible - your Internet connection will not be available during some fix processes.
  7. Your security programs may give warnings for some of the tools I will ask you to use. Be assured, any links I give are safe.
  8. Only reply to this thread, do not start another one. Please, continue responding, until I give you the "All Clean!" :cheers:
    Absence of symptoms does not mean that everything is clear.

I am currently reviewing your log and will return, as soon as possible, with additional instructions. In the meantime...
Please take time to read the Malware Removal Forum Guidelines and Rules where the conditions for receiving help at this forum are explained.

Please read all instructions carefully before executing and perform the steps, in the order given.
lf you have any questions or problems executing these instructions, <<STOP>> do not proceed, post back with the question or problem.
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Re: pls help!!!!!! some 5 hidden objects r found in my syste

Unread postby pgmigg » March 9th, 2012, 6:09 pm

Hello mamta kumari,

Thank you for your patience... :)

Step 1.
DDS Scan
  1. Please download DDS ... by sUBs. Save it to your desktop. Alternate download links here or here.
    Please disable any Antivirus or Firewall you have active, as shown in this topic before running DDS.
  2. Right-Click on dds.com, select Run As Administrator.... (File name will be different if alternate download used).
    A black window will open with some instructions/comments...
  3. When done, DDS will open two (2) logs:
    • DDS.txt
    • Attach.txt
    Caution: The above logs will NOT be saved, so you must save them to your desktop.
  4. Please post both the DDS.txt and Attach.txt files in your next reply.

Please don't forget to re-enable your defense software!

Please include in your next reply:
  1. Do you have any problems executing the instructions?
  2. Contents of DDS.txt log file
  3. Contents of Attach.txt log file

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Re: pls help!!!!!! some 5 hidden objects r found in my syste

Unread postby Cypher » March 14th, 2012, 12:32 pm

Due to a lack of response, this topic is now closed.

If you still require help, please open a new thread in the Infected? Virus, malware, adware, ransomware, oh my! forum, include a fresh FRST log, and wait for a new helper.
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